(T̶e̶n̶) Thirteen biggest website mistakes artists make:

checkmateAs I started considering this topic for my next blog post, I quickly realized there were more than just ten. In fact, on first count, I came up with thirteen. I will not address them all today. I will start with the first three going down the list in no particular order:

1) Having just one image on your Home page

While having an image is better than having no image, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket so to say. Different people may naturally gravitate toward different images, perhaps even different subject matters all together. In fact, you may have several bodies of work and wish to represent them all. Why cut yourself short when you can easily hedge your bets? The solution: Offer instead a slide show of images on your home page. It will occupy just as much space yet give you a bigger bang for your precious e-real-estate buck. So to say, that is.

Now, there is also a strategic side that goes into choosing that special image, or subset of images, you use in order to represent your art. If you must only select couple of images, or couple of images of each body of work, or just one image for your business card, how do you make the best choice? Do you just pick your personal favorite/s? Do you select the last one you sold? Do you choose randomly and rotate your selection? Or do you have a good system in place that allows you to pick that one, or few, images well? If you don’t have a system to guide you, you are practically shooting in the dark. But you are not alone. Most other artists do too. This is why in my workshop: The Art of profiting from your Art, I teach artists how to systematically choose the best image/s to represent their art. Better make strategic decisions wisely!

On a technical note, If you are using a website template which limits you to but one image, I suggest you reconsider your template, and possibly your service. Many template-based websites, including free ones, allow the use of a slide show on your Home page. I teach a workshop showing artists how to create their free websites using free templates and free hosting by Google. Thousands of free templates to choose from, and… no lack of slide show ability.

2) Having no text on your Home page

While an image is worth a thousand words, text is also important. Its what search engines use to index your website. Its how you help your target market find YOU. Have at least one paragraph on your Home page that describes what your art brings to the table. If you have identified your target audience, use that precious space to explain how your art helps serve that market. Haven’t defined your target market yet? That’s okay too. Make your best effort to describe what’s unique and special about your art. And, when you do, be cognizant of the search terms most commonly used by people looking for art just like yours so that you can include them in your descriptions. Not sure how to find that? Its one of the topics I cover in my Art of profiting from your Art workshop.

3) Having no picture of YOU on your website

I know some artists are camera shy. But whatever concerns you may have there is probably some creative way to overcome them. I’m not saying your picture should be on your Home page as the first thing visitors to your website see. But I highly recommend having your picture at least on your Biography page. It helps personalize your art. It helps people better relate to instagram viewer private you as a person and, by association, better relate to your art.

Has your website avoided these traps? Or does this give you some ideas for improvement? Please share your experience!

Copyright 2014, Liron Sissman, ArtistAdvisory.com. All rights reserved.

Would you like to share this post on your blog or newsletter? If so, all you need to do is include the following with it: Liron Sissman is a professional artist and an MBA. She coaches artists at ArtistAdvisory.com. This post was originally published on her ArtistAdvisory Blog: The Art of profiting from your Art, which is sent to thousands of artists who are elevating their businesses. Start your subscription today and read more posts like this at www.artistadvisory.com

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